Bill Marshall's Genealogy site

It's all one big genealogy file, but I separate it into two Gedcom files:

I try very very very hard to cite a source for every piece of information in the Gedcom files. Click here for sources used.

Additions and corrections are always welcome. Even better if accompanied with source citations. Contact me at

My list of sources contains several highly reliable ones. The best one (I think) is Neil Thompson's "A Medieval Heritage: The Ancestry of Charles II, King of England" which appeared as a serial (1981-2012) in The Genealogist, 2:157-68, 3:25-44, 3:175-94, 4:144-58, 5:64-72, 5:226-39, 6:100-3, 6:148-65, 7-8:137-43, 9:40-4, 10:73-85, 11:63-72, 11:184-93, 12:83-90, 12:250-6, 13:92-9, 13:252-6, 14:81-4, 14:207-10, 15:99-103, 15:220-4, 16:93-8, 16:227-31, 17:61-4, 17:250-5, 18:123-7, 18:228-31, 19:62-8, 19:251-5, 20:85-8, 20:184-90, 21:71-5, 21:250-4, 22:101-6, 22:186-91, 23:73-9, 23:203-8, 24:110-27, 24:239-54, 25:56-73, 25:214-32, 26:77-101, 26:202-26, 27:189, 28:90, and 33:300. I espeially like volume 22 pp190-1 where I am credited for several of the corrections. This article was collected and published as a book The Ancestry of Charles II King of England: A Medieval Heritage in 2012, and contains further corrections. The original article is available online; my list of corrections to the journal article that are contained in the book is here. I am not aware of any further list of corrections (if there is such a list, please let me know).

Another reliable source is Stewart Baldwin's "Henry Project" Ancestors of King Henry II of England. This site was first launched in 2001, moved to in 2020, and is updated when corrections are found (this makes it difficult to track and to cite).

Another reliable source is Keats-Rohan's Domesday People (published in 1999) and Domesday Descendants (published in 2002). Rosie Bevan maintains a website with corrections to these two books "Corrections aux «Domesday People» et «Domesday Descendants»" . Further corrections are discussed on the newsgroup/mailing list soc.genealogy.medieval/GEN-MEDIEVAL.

Another ultra reliable source is GEC's Complete Peerage (multiple volumes, published 1910-1998), and also available at Volume 14 (published in 1998, available at the prior link) contains corrections to the earlier volumes. Further corrections (and proposed corrections) are given in a website maintained by Chris Phillips Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage. Further corrections are discussed on the newsgroup/mailing list soc.genealogy.medieval/GEN-MEDIEVAL. I've kept an archive of those discussions. Here is my summary of the corrections contained in Chris Phillips' site, and corrections discussed on soc.genealogy.medieval/GEN-MEDIEVAL. Careful reading and comparing show lots of discrepancies between these reliable sources. In some cases I think the other sources have better information than Complete Peerage, and a correction is needed to CP. Some are inconsistencies within CP, which I'm hopeful can be resolved.

Another source cited numerous places on the internet is Douglas Ricardson's Royal Ancestry (5 volumes, published in 2013). Editorial corrections to RoyalAnc are here, consisting of either invalid cross references (where the target doesn't exist in the books), or simple typos in dates (often off by a century). Substantive corrections to RoyalAnc are here, consisting of items where other reliable sources disagree with the information in this book. And unresolved issues that RoyalAnc takes a position but consensus does not yet exist. An example is the father of the CAREY children (Katherine and Henry): were they children of Henry VIII or William CAREY. Another example is the father of Otigva of Luxemburg, wife of Baldwin Count of Flanders: was she the daughter of Frederick or Giselbert? Another is the heirs of Robert, 3rd Lord Tateshal, Isabel, Emma, and Joan: were they sisters of Robert 1st Lord Tateshal, or daughter of the 1st Lord?

The newsgroup/mailing list soc.genealogy.medieval/GEN-MEDIEVAL was hosted by Google (up through the start of 2024), but not all of the old messages are archived there. From the original archives at, I have saved the postings that I cited in a zip archive here. Here is a file of every GEN-MEDIEVAL posting archived by (warning: its ~2GB), and an index to that archive.

Douglas Richardson published his 5-volume Royal Ancestry series in 2013 and claimed numerous "Discoveries, Corrections, and Additions" (Volume 1 pages xxv-xxix) some of which were additional corrections to CP that had not been posted to the newsgroup/mailing list soc.genealogy.medieval/GEN-MEDIEVAL and discussed. Douglas Richardson's style for citations do not make it easy to verify them. Here's my list of the ones I question. It is not clear how many of these (if any) are truly corrections to CP, and how many of these are mistakes in Royal Ancestry.

Bill Marshall